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Good Bacteria Or Probiotics: Health Benefits, Dangers, And Everything You Need To Know

by Prity Kumari
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It may come as a surprise to know that not all bacteria are harmful to humans in a society where they are frequently associated with negative images. Our general health and well-being depend heavily on good bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotic bacteria. They live inside us and are crucial for many body processes, from digestion to immunological support. In this blog, we will discuss their significance and advantages. We can recognize the importance of these unsung heroes and recognize the part they play in leading healthy, balanced lives. Let’s get started!

What Are Good Bacteria?

Good bacteria or Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that are found in the human digestive system as well as some meals and supplements. They may be beneficial to gastrointestinal health, the immune system, and other areas. Good bacteria are beneficial microorganisms. They are found throughout the body and are most commonly associated with the stomach and intestines.

Probiotics are becoming more popular as a relationship between gut microbiota and general health (1). People frequently take probiotics with the intention of regulating their intestinal flora, commonly known as the gut microbiome.

What Types Of Bacteria Are Good Bacteria?

Probiotics can include a wide range of bacteria. Bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families are the most frequent. Other bacteria, as well as yeasts such as Saccharomyces boulardii, can be utilized as probiotics. Probiotics of various varieties may have varied effects. For example, just because one kind of Lactobacillus helps prevent an illness doesn’t guarantee that another type of Lactobacillus or any of the Bifidobacterium probiotics would do the same.

  • Lactobacillus: This is possibly the most common probiotic. It is present in fermented foods like yogurt. Different strains can aid with diarrhea and may be beneficial to persons who are unable to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.
  • Bifidobacterium: It can be found in several dairy products. It may help to alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other illnesses.
  • Saccharomyces Boulardii: It is a yeast that may be found in probiotics. It tends to help with diarrhea and other digestive disorders.

Benefits Of Good Bacteria

Probiotics, or good bacteria, have a wealth of benefits for human health and well-being. Their beneficial effects on our bodies cannot be exaggerated. We may encourage the growth of these advantageous bacteria and benefit from their help by consuming foods and supplements that are high in probiotics. Here are a few benefits of good bacteria:


Many probiotic strains have shown promising benefits in the treatment of diarrhea and gastroenteritis – inflammation of the gut lining, which can cause diarrhea. A review (2) indicated that probiotics may aid in the treatment of many types of diarrhea, including sporadic infectious diarrhea, acute watery diarrhea, and rotavirus diarrhea. The results, however, would most likely be dependent on the type and amount of probiotics.

Problems With Mental Health

Several studies (3) have found a relationship between gut bacteria and the central nervous system, including the brain. Some experts believe that bacteria in the stomach may have an impact on the neurological system and how individuals think and feel. The findings imply that probiotics may one day be used to treat mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression, as well as some neurological diseases.

High Cholesterol Levels

According to study (4), consuming meals containing probiotic Lactobacillus bacteria may reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein, or “bad” cholesterol, as well as total cholesterol. The researchers determined that probiotic pills might considerably lower overall cholesterol levels in the blood after reviewing data from almost 2,000 patients (5). However, the efficacy of the supplement may be affected by its kind and dose. More research is needed to validate the findings and determine which probiotics will be beneficial.

Increased Blood Pressure

According to research (6), milk fermented with Lactobacillus strains may help decrease blood pressure. The analysis also found that taking probiotics might improve vitamin D, which helps prevent high blood pressure

Painful Gut Disease

Good Bacteria have been shown to help treat irritable bowel syndrome. Research (7) indicated that a multi-strain probiotic may help with IBS symptoms. The researchers recommended more studies into whether bacteria types like Akkermansia, Bacteroides, and Faecalibacterium may play a role in future therapeutics.


Scientists discovered in laboratory testing (8) that a certain strain of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus paracasei may protect the gut from infection by Listeria, a more dangerous type of bacteria. Another research (9) discovered more evidence that probiotics might aid in the treatment and prevention of Listeria infection.

COVID-19 Risk Is Reduced

Taking probiotic supplements may reduce your chances of contracting COVID-19, according to multiple research. One research (10) discovered a link between taking multivitamins, probiotics, vitamin D, or omega-3 fatty acid supplements and a decreased risk of contracting the virus.

Is It Possible To Get Probiotics From Food?

The things you eat may undoubtedly enhance the good bacteria in your body. Certain foods include good bacteria (probiotics)  that can improve the health of your gut. These items may be added to your diet at any time of the day. Even if you regularly consume them, you might not be aware that they are probiotic-rich. Check the food label for the phrase “live and active cultures.” Here are a few examples of probiotic-rich foods that you may incorporate into your diet and experiment with:


  • Yogurt.
  • Buttermilk.
  • Sourdough bread.


  • Cottage cheese.
  • Kombucha.
  • Tempeh.


  • Fermented sauerkraut.
  • Kimchi.
  • Miso soup.

Are There Any Dangers Linked To Probiotics?

Probiotics are usually thought to be safe. Certain risks are related to the supplements. If you have a medical condition that impairs your immune system, have just undergone surgery, or have other significant medical issues, your risks are enhanced.

How To Choose The Best Probiotics Supplement?

Here are some things to look for when selecting the best probiotic for women and men:

What Do They Do?

Probiotics, for example, help food flow through the digestive tract by affecting the neurons that control stomach motility. Researchers are still trying to determine which are helpful for certain health issues. They commonly treat the following conditions:

  • Oral Health
  • Skin conditions
  • Infectious diarrhea
  • Antibiotics Diarrhea
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Urinary and vaginal health
  • Preventing allergies and colds
  • Help in weight loss

Here is our Editor’s Choice Probiotic Supplement:

How To Use Them Correctly

The FDA regulates probiotics in the same manner that it regulates foods. Manufacturers of probiotic supplements are not obligated to show that their products are safe or effective, in contrast to pharmaceutical companies. Consult your doctor to see whether taking probiotics is right for you.

Probiotic foods and supplements are generally regarded to be healthy for most individuals, while those with immune system issues or other significant health disorders should avoid them. In the initial days after you start taking them, mild side effects might include bloating, gas, diarrhea, and gas. They might also cause allergic responses. If you have any problems, discontinue use and inform your doctor.


Good bacteria, which are part of our natural microbiome, are important for our health and may help prevent certain health issues and food allergies. While eating probiotic-rich meals is the greatest way to get these advantages, you may be interested in taking a probiotic supplement. Probiotic supplements are generally regarded as safe for most people, but they may be dangerous for those with serious diseases or those with impaired immune systems. Before incorporating one into your wellness routine, consult with a doctor.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5964481/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21992955/
  3. https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-019-1434-3
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5464580/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5805418/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4772943/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6769995/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3250429/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5874727/
  10. https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/4/1/149

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